The Unstoppable Believe

Martin Luther King Jr. once stated, that the “measure of a person, is not measured by how you handle comfort and convenience, but rather, how they handle controversy and challenge”. It’s a reminder of the old saying, that people are just like a tea bag, you don’t know who they really are until they are in hot water. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., possessed the “trait” that every believer that is living to maximize their potential must have, He was an “Unstoppable Believer” . In 1956, Dr. Kings house was bombed, could’ve killed his wife and kids, and yet he kept going, because he was an Unstoppable Believer. In 1958, at 29 years old, he was stabbed by a woman with a letter opener, so close to his heart that the surgeon told him that if he would’ve just sneezed, he would’ve died, and yet he kept going, because he was an Unstoppable Believer. In 1960, Dr. King was charged with tax evasion in Alabama, being the only person ever prosecuted under the states income tax perjury statute, and yet he kept going, because he was an Unstoppable Believer. Martin Luther King was arrested over 29 times, sitting in jails, and yet he kept going, because he was an Unstoppable Believer. Although Dr. King is widely respected and celebrated today, when he was alive, the Smithsonian magazine revealed that 75% of Americans disliked King at the Time of his assassination, and yet he kept going, because he was an Unstoppable Believer. Rev. Dr. King was made fun of constantly in newspapers, TV news cast, and persistently accused of a number of “fake news stories” to discredit him, and yet he kept going, because he was an unstoppable believer. In numerous marches, Martin Luther King was cursed at, spit upon, had items thrown at him that split his head open, attacked and much more, and yet he kept going, because he was an Unstoppable Believer. FBI records reveal that from 1958 to the end of his life, he was under constant threat of people who were trying to kill him, and yet he kept going, because he was an unstoppable believer. In 1963, many of the white clergy who previously supported MLK, turned against him stating that he was asking for “too much, too soon”, and yet he kept going because he was an Unstoppable Believer. And if we, like Dr. King want to fulfill our dreams, we must learn to Keep Going, because we are called to be an Unstoppable Believer.

Being Unstoppable

“If you’ve ever felt like you’ve been caught by some unexpected surprises in your life”; “If you’ve ever been in a place where you are distracted”; “If you’ve ever felt like giving up”; “If you’ve ever felt like you are under attack”; “if you’ve ever felt like everything is against you”, God is telling you today, to “Get Back Up, Keep Going, and Complete your Race”. You are an Unstoppable Believer, How do we know? If you weren’t, with all the stuff that you’ve already been through, you should’ve given up a long time ago, but you’re still moving forward, still trusting God, still praying for things to turn around, still walking by Faith, because you are an Unstoppable Believer.

The only word that can adequately describe the acts of Dr. King, and all others who press on, despite the opposition is the word : Unstoppable. The Term Unstoppable describes an attitude or posture that is resolute, persistent, and unyielding. Simply put, it “It refuses to back down, refuses to slow down, and refuses to Be Down. In our walk with God, we are called to be Unstoppable believer’s, who are absolutely unyielding in faith, hope, and obedience to God—no matter what the adversity.

Unstoppable, like Jacob wrestling with God, and telling him “I will not let go until you bless me”

Unstoppable, like Joseph, who was faithful in the pit, faithful in Potiphars house, faithful in prison, before he ever made it to the Palace.

Unstoppable, like Job, who declared “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in Him”

Unstoppable like Esther, who faced her challenge and proclaimed “If I perish, I perish”

Unstoppable like Daniel, who sat with lions and was not consumed

Unstoppable like the three Hebrew boys, who went into a fiery furnace, but came out not even smelling like smoke

Unstoppable like the widow who ignored insults, and refused to be quiet, until Jesus healed her child.

Unstoppable like the woman with the issue of blood, that stretched through crowds to touch Jesus

Unstoppable like the four friends that tore the roof off a house to get their friend to Jesus

The Unstoppable believer, is committed in every way to finishing well.

Many of us can admit, that we have a whole lot of things that we have started, and many of them remain unfinished? We start diets, but we don’t finish them; We start an exercise routine, and fail to keep going ; We begin our pursuit of various goals, but many remain unfulfilled ; We begin cleaning our houses, and don’t finish; We make plans to clear up our finances and boost credit, but get easily detoured; We make plans, but we already have an excuse prepared in case things change; We begin reading our Bibles and praying regularly, and just when its getting good, we fall off; We begin making changes in our lives, but somehow end up reverting to old behavior; We get a vision for a new project or plan that could really be something great, but we fail to follow up or follow through . And before you know it, our lives are cluttered with a bunch of unfulfilled dreams, wasted potential, untapped talents, and incomplete tasks…

God’s Directions on How to Be Unstoppable

In our text, Hebrews 12:1-3, the writer understands that whenever you are headed to a place of value, the enemy will attack you, distract you, discourage you, disappoint you, or try to destroy you. And the writer is encouraging Christians to be Unstoppable Believers, that possess a relentless spirit that refuses to give up.

1. Get Rid of Excess Weight (Hebrews 12:1: “Let us throw off everything that hinders”)

Unstoppable believers know how to make the hard decisions to get rid of anything that is holding them back from their purpose. Sometimes holding on, does more damage than letting go. We improve the quality of what we are doing, by reducing the quantity of what we should not be doing. This is what the great theologian, Henry David Thoreau often quoted by Martin Luther King Jr meant when he said “The soul grows by subtraction, not addition”. The question for every unstoppable believer in this first month of 2019, is what are you willing to let go of, so you can increase the pursuit of your dream?

2. You Need Your Second Wind (Hebrews 12: 1-2 – “Run with Endurance”)

When athletes are training, trainers often push them to learn to play, past their point of exhaustion, because trainers want them to unlock their “second wind”. Second wind is a phenomenon in sports, whereby an athlete who is out of breath and too tired to continue suddenly finds the strength to press on at top performance with less exertion. Players who can find that second wind, are often the ones that become champions. “Hebrews 12:1 exhorts each of us, “Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” When Jesus departed this earth, he said, “I am sending to you, the Holy Spirit, which is translated into “Ruach”, which means WIND. So my first Wind, is what I can do on my own, but my Second Wind in the Spiritual, is asking the Holy Spirit, the Ruach of God, to carry me to victory. This is why the scripture says “I am confident of this that He who has begin a good work in you shall see it through until its completion” . When Jesus ascended, He declared, “I will give you the Holy Spirit, an Advocate, who will help you”. This reveals why many of us fail to finish well. Its because either our plans are not in line with God’s will for our lives, therefore the Holy Spirit is not aiding in those endeavors; OR, We are attempting God-ordained goals, using our own Energy, Thoughts, and Ingenuity, As if we can make it happen on our own, and failing to Seek God and Trust God in our Process. Either of these methods will ultimately leave you frustrated, and living below your potential. You must be Unstoppable in prayer, Unstoppable in faith, Unstoppable in study of scripture, Unstoppable in your pursuit of God, to have the strength, the wisdom, and the courage to FINISH WELL. “Mark 10:27, Jesus said “With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible” . No matter how tough your circumstances, they are not impossible to God.

3. Unstoppable Believers have the Right Focal Point

When women are giving birth, the pain is excruciating, but doctors have found that if the conceiving mother can focus on something pleasant, a picture, a person, a song, or maybe even an article of the future baby’s clothes, because focusing on it during labor, will lessen the pain. Whenever you are giving birth to a dream, you need to have the right focus point. And the writer of our text says “focus on Jesus, who is the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before Him, He endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider Him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart” . Focusing on Jesus, helps you to stay committed to your purpose. Stay Focused on His GOODNESS, HIS PROMISES TO PROVIDE, and HIS SAVING GRACE (GPS), He knows how to get you to your destination


It’s Only Temporary


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