Fake People

There are some people in your life, that you thought were real, but when you took the relationship to the Bank, you realized, they had no value. And after you’ve had the experience of being fooled by fake people, you learn to slow down and put them through an authentication process, to see what’s real, because fake people, can cost you real money, real time, and real energy, that you can’t get back.

All I need from Fake People is Distance

We live in a society, that seems to be filled with fake people and fake things, where nothing is what is seems to be, where its hard to trust what people say, and you have to inspect everything before you give it a pass. Jesus warned his disciples that the enemy will come “as wolves in sheeps clothing”(Matthew 7:15). What you think is for you, might be the tool the Devil is using to disarm you and completely destroy your life

3 Step Authentication Process to discover if someone is real or fake

1. Hold Them Up to God’s Light

When checking to see if a $100 Bill is real, you hold it up in a UV light to see if the stripe is in it. If you want to know if you or someone around you is Real or Fake, Hold them up to God’s Light. I should be able to hold your life up in the Light, and when everybody sees all your stuff, all your text messages, all your conversations, all your DM’s, all your search history, all the music you listen to and shows you watch, all your interactions with people it should reveal that God’s “stripes” are inside of you: “He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, but by His stripes, we have been Healed”(Isaiah 53:5). There ought to be evidence when I turn the lights on in your life, that God is on the inside of you

2. It Should Feel Like God

Too determine if money is real, people often will see what it “feels like” to determine it’s authenticity. If someone is talking real smooth, they’re probably a fake. And if they are too rough, they are probably fake. You need to be patient to see how people make you feel, before determining if they are real or not (they may make you feel good one day, and then like crap later, if its inconsistent, that’s not for you). God gives all of us “spirits of discernment” and you need to trust that, if it don’t feel right, it probably ain’t right for you…it’s probably a fake that’s going to leave you with no value

3. Take A Closer Look

When people are looking to authenticate money, they use a magnifying glass to see the details. All Bills are sealed with a serial code, and if that Bill doesn’t have the seal then they know that it’s fake. Most of us can fool people who aren’t too close to you, cause from a distance, it can look like you got your stuff together. But a close look at your life can uncover, bad credit, persistent liar, issues with commitment, unreliable, all talk no action, says one thing does another. The Bible says “Test spirit with spirit”. A close look ought to reveal God’s fruit in your life, or you might be a fake.

How Do I Get Over Fake People (3 Steps)

1. Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

Jesus rode through the crowd—He didn’t stop…He kept going. God is telling someone today, don’t let these fake people stop you from doing what God has called you to do, Keep going…Don’t Stop Cause of People, You Only Stop When You’re Done. You have to remember that Fake People Can’t Stop You, Fake Problems cant stop you, not even the devil and his emps can stop you, only you can stop you . And the message for someone today is to Get your eyes back on the prize. Proverbs 4:25-27 says “Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you.26 Give careful thought to the[a] paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways.27 Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil. Some people in your life are causing You to lose sight of what God has for you, it’s time to get your eyes back on the Prize God has called you to

2. Jesus Got Over Fake People, by Staying Elevated Above them

The text shows, that Jesus rode through the crowd, on a Donkey. Meaning, that Jesus was able to deal with Fake People, cause He didn’t stoop to their level. You don’t need to address fakeness, I just rise above it. Stay on your donkey, and just ride through the drama, ride through the fakeness, ride through the crowd, ride through the gossip, ride through the jealousy, realizing they weren’t on your level in the first place. This is why you need to be Prayed Up – cause Prayer will elevate you. This is why you need to Read Up on God’s Word – cause His Word will elevate you. This is why you need to Filled Up with the Holy Spirit – cause His Spirit will elevate you

3. To Get Over Fake People, Don’t Take it Personal

Jesus doesn’t trip on these Fake People, Cause they Don’t Even Know Him. The text says in one minute they are saying “Hosanna, to the Son of David, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord”. But in Verse 10-11, when they asked ‘Who is this” the same crowd said “This is Jesus the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee”. They didn’t realize who He was, or were confused about who He was. So Jesus shows us that Fake People, Don’t know who you are anyway, so why should you care about what they say. Some people can’t see God in you, because God isn’t in them. I need someone today to know, it don’t matter what people call you, it only matters what you answer to.


When you are dealing with Fake People, simply call on your Higher Authority, and watch God come in and arrest your haters.


The Unstoppable Believe


God Will Make You Laugh