God Will Make You Laugh

All Believers will have “OG” Moments

OG moments, are events and occurrences that happen in our lives, where it is clear that ONLY GOD could’ve brought this to pass

And when these OG Moments happen, all you can do is laugh and thank God, for being God

In my walk with God, I’ve learned to never panic, but simply to express my need to God, and then sit back and trust Him to handle, what I can’t handle

When I feel like I’m about to get worried over something, I repeat to myself Philippians 4 “Do not be anxious for anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, and with thanksgiving, present your request to God, and the peace of God which transcends all understanding (or makes you laugh when you want to cry), will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

Only God can turn a mess into a message, a test into a testimony, a trial into a triumph, and a victim into a victor

God Must Have a Sense of Humor

In 2008, the widely known and Highly regarded Bishop Noel Jones wrote a book entitled “God’s Gonna Make You Laugh”. The book is still one of my favorite books on Faith, as it is a discourse on how in the darkest of moments in our lives, God brings his promises to fruition at just the right time. In fact, not only does God make promises in the dark and dry places of our lives, but He makes “Seemingly Impossible” Promises, things that are nearly unbelievable, and says “This is what I’m going to do in your life”

Many of us have heard the expression “God must have a sense of humor”. Because the situations that God allows us to go into, and the way in which He brings us out, will make you laugh.

Laughter is the best medicine. Researchers from the state of Michigan have found that The average child laughs 150 times a day, while, the average adult laughs only 15 times. When you lose your laugh, you lose your footing


While most of us despise hardships and difficulties in our lives, it is often in these dry seasons of life, that God reveals himself to his children. It’s hard for us to hear God when everything is going right, but when things are tight, when money is funny, when relationships are falling apart, when we are dealing with health issues, and we’re not sure how things are going to work out, when we are facing adversities, we tend to look for God in those moments, and this is when He makes himself known to us

In Systematic Theology These are known as Divine Revelations – The ways in which God makes himself and his plan known to his children. And we learn that There are two kinds of Divine Revelations: General Revelations and Special Revelations. General Revelations, are revelations that confirm the Existence of God (Psalm 14:1 says, “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God”), and Special Revelations are those that are Inspired by God through His Word or the Holy Spirit for my life

In our text, God Reveals himself to Sarah and Abraham, at a low point of their lives. They are old, and Sarah has been barren, unable to have any children. This is an embarrassment, because without having any children, their legacy dies with them. Her barren condition means that she has been unable to produce. Have you ever felt like you’re working hard, but nothing is happening? Sometimes we are doing everything we know how to do, and nothing seems to be working. But we must continue to look to God. And just when Sarah had given up, and accepted that it just isn’t meant to be, God shows up and says, “I’m about to make it happen”

The Promise

When God makes a promise, its always something “far out”. God is always working in the impossible. He Promises, things we would never ask for.

So He says to Sarah, After she has given up, You are about to have a son. And immediately she does into negating the promise. “Im too old”, “Its too late” “It can’t happen”

What’s God’s promise to you, that you just can’t receive because its literally “too good to be true?”. You're arguing with God, but he is trying to do something greater than you can Imagine

Hold on to your Promise

The Process

I can’t handle all of God at once, He’s just too much. So God slowly but consistently reveals Himself to me, throughout my walk with Him. God constantly reveals himself by showing that He can heal, He can provide, He can protect, I’m never alone, He has my back, and all of this builds my faith

Nearly 10 years pass between the time when God gives the revelation, and when He brings it to pass. And in the process, Sarah has some moments where she begins to doubt the promise, and she an Abraham try to take matters into their own hands. She even thought maybe the prophetic word was for someone else (Hagar)

It’s the Waiting in the process, that will mess with you, but Hang in the Process. “Do not grow weary in well doing because in due season you will reap a harvest of plenty if you faint not” (Galatians 6:9)

The Provision

The Promise helps me to Hang in during the Process, so I can Receive the Provision

The provision is so great, all you can do is smile and laugh, and say “Look at God”

Sarah and Abraham in advanced age, in a season where they should be unable to produce, give birth to Isaac, whose name literally means “laughter”

Because God will bless you so good, so incredibly, that it will make you LAUGH

This week I dare you to LOL (Laugh out Loud) as you think of the Goodness of the Lord !!!


Fake People