It’s Only Temporary

Sometimes your present situation, doesn’t match the Revelation God has given you for your life, and when that’s the case, you need to remember, that where you are “It’s Only Temporary”. You may not have money right now, but its only temporary. You may be without a job right now, but it’s only temporary. It may seem like the Devil has you defeated, but it’s only temporary

“It’s Only Temporary for Two Reasons:

(1) There’s More to Your Life than what you see right now

There’s more to you than what you are going through right now. You are more than your bank account, more than your degrees, more than your family of origin, more than who others think you are. You are more because you are a Child of God, which means that you believe that Jesus got up from the grave, and when He got up, He made it possible for every person that’s been betrayed, every person that’s been lied on, every person that’s been abandoned, every person that’s been victimized, every person that’s been counted out, every person that’s been left for dead, every person whose situation looks hopeless, that whatever condition you are in “It’s Only Temporary”. The deception of the Devil in Hard Times, is to make you think, that what is temporary in your life, will be permanent. But the Bible says “yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death”. And if I’m walking through, it means It’s only temporary. I’m simply passing through, on my way to the place God has prepared for me.

It’s Only Temporary, because I’m not Stuck where I am, I’m on my way to somewhere greater

This is why you must be vigilant, Because if you lose sight of God in your struggle, what should be temporary, could end up becoming permanent. Not because this is what God had for you, but because you stopped fighting, stopped beliving, stopped praying, and stopped reaching for the “higher calling God has on your life”. I know it’s hard, but don’t stop fighting. I know you’re tired but don’t stop fighting. I know you’re overwhelmed but don’t stop fighting. I know it seems like its been forever, but don’t stop fighting. I know it looks like it will never get better, but don’t stop fighting. I need you to keep saying to yourself and to everyone else “it’s only temporary”. If you stop fighting, you can get stuck in a place, you were supposed to just pass through. Because “the good work that God has begun in you, He shall see it through, til the day of completion”/. Cause you can’t keep a good man or woman of God Down

So the Angels give them some directives, that I want us to hear today



I need someone to know that You can Rise, because Jesus has risen. You don’t have to be bent down, feeling guilty, scared, worried, doubting. God is telling you to Rise Up. Romans 8:11 says ‘The same power that raised Jesus from the dead, is the same power than now dwells in you”. Jesus was laid in the tomb, the tomb there was a Stone (to close him in), there was a Seal (to make sure no one could break him out), and there was Security (to insure he stayed in his place). And yet Jesus still made it out. He was still able to Rise, because Nothing Can Stop God’s Plan for your life. And as a Child of God the same is true for you, no matter who tries to block you, Nothing can stop God’s plan for your life.

2. Remember – (How Can I be sure I’ll Be Able to Rise?)

In the text, the Angel says “remember what He said when He was with you, that “The Son of Man must be turned into the hands of Sinners, and be crucified, and that he would rise again on the Third Day”. In your difficult times, you need to Remember what God has said to you:

He said Hebrews 13:5 “I’ll never leave you nor forsake you

He said Jeremiah 29:11 - “I have plans to prosper you and not to harm you to give you a hope and a future”

He said Habakkuk 2:2-3 “The vision awaits an appointed time, Though it linger, wait for it, for surely it will come to pass”

He said Psalm 27 - “The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear, the Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid”

He said Psalm 30:5 “Weeping may endure for a night, but Joy is coming in the morning”

He saidin Romans 8 “If God be for you, who can be against you”

He said “All things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose”

He said in Psalm 34“I am close to the brokenhearted, and I save those who are crushed in spirit”

He said Psalm 46“I am your refuge and strength, an ever present help in times of trouble”

When you are in a battle, you MUST Remember what He said

3. Report What God Has Done

The actual event of Jesus’ resurrection is nowhere described in the Bible, only the discovery of it. This lack of detail speaks to the historical accuracy of the New Testament, because there’s no attempt to embellish the event of the resurrection, it’s just a Report on what God has done. The Angels tell the women in our text, Go tell the others what the Lord has done. God wants you to share with others, what He has done in your life. He turned my wailing into dancing, removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy. Before the women even see the risen Savior, the angels tell them to tell others what’s about to happen. I dare someone to begin to tell others about what’s about to be revealed in your life. It’s going to sound like non-sense to them, but tell them anyhow, how God has raised you from dead situations, and made what could’ve been permanent for your life, to only being temporary.


The Unstoppable Believe